We have the puppies!!!
On saturday 12th of september 2009 born 3 puppies to our A��, 2 males and 1 female.

Pedigree of the puppies:

Stud was realised on 11.7.2009.
17.8.2009 we were on the sonography and A�� will have puppies.
Born of the puppies we expect in the middle of september 2009.
We receive reservations on the puppies from perfect combination.

Father: ANDREICHIKATILO di Casa dei Marchesi -
ANDREICHIKATILO di Casa dei Marchesi
From the father's side Andrei includes blood of these quality dogs:
Bagual de la Vieja Diana
Talisman de la Vieja Diana - World winner, Grandchampion and Champion of Argentina
Mendieta de la Vieja Diana - Grandchampion and Champion of Argentina
La Jefa de la Vieja Diana -Champion of Argentina
Lacar Bravoure Blanche - Champion of Argentina
Don Torcuato de la Vieja Diana - Grandchampion and Champion of Argentina
Cocha del Tumi - Grandchampion and Champion of Argentina

From the mother's side Andrei includes blood of these quality dogs:
Angelo di Casa dei Marchesi
Guri del Porvenir
Belen del Porvenir
Lacar Bravoure Blanche - Champion of Argentina
Maradonna de Agallas

Mother: A�� de los Escorpiones Blancos - Grandchampion, Champion of Czech republic, Juniorchampion of Czech republic, Club winner, 2x Club Junior winner, National winner, Best junior, Best female, passed test of temperament and behaviour for fila brasileiro with perfect result

A�� de los Escorpiones Blancos
From the father's side A�� includes blood of these quality dogs:
Huaco Tolkeyen Ackon Cahuak - Eur�psky v�az mlad�ch, �ampi�n Talianska, Junior�ampi�n
Chalaca Ackon Cahuak - �ampi�nka Argent�ny
Tala Ackon Cahuak - Svetov� v�azka, Svetov� v�azka mlad�ch, �ampi�nka Argent�ny
Indio del Litoral - Inter�ampi�n, �ampi�n Latinskej Ameriky, �ampi�n, Grand�ampi�n Argent�ny

From the mother's side A�� includes blood of these quality dogs:
Prisca del Tolkeyen - Inter�ampi�n, Grand�ampi�n, Multi�ampi�n, Multi junior �ampi�n, pracovn� sk��ka ZM
Baron de la Herencia - Vicesvetov� v�az, Inter�ampi�n, Gran�ampi�n a �ampi�n Argent�ny
Sando del Litoral - �ampi�n Argent�ny
Ramon de Lago Puelo - Inter�ampi�n, �ampi�n Slovinska, Chorv�tska
Chacha de Saguadero - �ampi�nka Talianska, Junior�ampi�nka ENCI
Huaino del Tumi - Svetov� v�az, Svetov� v�az mlad�ch, �ampi�n Argent�ny
Valet de Agallas - Multi�ampi�n, Eur�psky v�az

We'll receive your reservations on: +421 903 746646, doguero@escorpiones.sk


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