ALBERTO Corrientes ("Aldo")

Alberto Corrientes

SHPK 00116/99
Born: 1.4.1996 - 26.1.2002
Height: 67 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Complete teeth, tongs bite
HD: 1/0
Breeder: Ing. Robert Molnar, Slovakia
Owner: Eva Pastuchova

Alberto Corrientes Alberto Corrientes Alberto Corrientes
Alberto Corrientes Alberto Corrientes Alberto Corrientes
Alberto Corrientes Alberto Corrientes Alberto Corrientes

Show results

Junior winner
Club winner 1999
Champion of Slovakia
European dog show Poznaň 2000 - excellent
World dog show 2000 Milano - excellent


Father: Argentino del Condores
Argentino del Condores
Mother: Araucana Python
Araucana Python

Pedigree Alberto Corrientes


royal canin

pes a macka

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