Today our Prisca del Tolkeyen celebrated 6 years!Congratulations!
Granddaughter of our male Alberto Corrientes Alba de los Amigos del Campo successfuly passed tracking exam FPr1.Owner: Hana Sindelkova, Czech republic
On Sunday was national dog show in Sarvar in Hungary. Judge was Mr. Jozsef Stummer from Hungary.Belgrano de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAJC, BOB (junior class males).
Bahía Blanca de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAJC (junior class females).
Arahí de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAC, (champion class females).
Arahí with this win fullfilled conditions for the title „Champion of Hungary“!
Alberto Aldo de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAC (working class males).
Owner: Karolina Smidova, Czech republic
On Saturday was realized Special dog show of Club of Molosses of Slovakia in Dvorianky in Slovakia. Judge was Mr. Andrzej Szutkiewicz from Poland.Belgrano de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 2 (junior class males).
Arahí de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc 2, r.CAC (champion class females).
We want to infrom all dogueros about very sad and very tragical news.On Monday in the afternoon, suddenly and surprisingly leaved us our beloved Belleza.
It´s for us very paintful, because Belleza was our favourite. She had pefect assumes for servient and sport cynology and of course for dog shows. She had marvellous character, so it was also the reason, why I picked her up from the puppies from B litter, she was really big talent. She leave us very soon only in the age 10,5 months, but already in this age, she pefect done tracking, very good obedience, perfect aporting and guarding – bite work, she already bite to soft sleeve. In sepember 2008 we planned with her not easy exam SVV1.
She only started her show carreer, in the baby class she obtained result very promissing, in the puppy class on the international dog show in Nitra in Slovakia, from the judge Mrs. Gabriela Ridarcikova, she obtained very promissing 1 and perfect judgement and on her first dog show in the junior class and together on her last one, she obtained exc. 1, CAJC.
Belleza, we never forget at you, we miss you very, very much!
Today we took place in international dog show in Wieselburg in Austria. Judge was Mr. Karl P. Reisinger from Austria.Belgrano de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAJC (junior class males).
Brea de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 2 (junior class females).
On this day, we visited national dog show in Nitra in Slovakia. Judge was Mrs. Viera Staviarska from Slovakia.Belgrano de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAJC (junior class males).
Alberto Aldo de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAC (working class males).
Owner: Karolina Smidova, Czech republic
Daughter of our Arroyo de los Escorpiones Blancos and also great grand daughter of our Alberto Corrientes:
Ayashee del Eclipse de la Luna – very promissing 1 (puppy class females).
Owner: Marianna Zupan, Slovakia
Today, we took part in international dog show in Katowice in Poland. Judge was Mr. Zbigniew Ostrowski from Poland.Belgrano de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAJC, Best Junior (junior class males)
Belleza de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAJC (junior class females).
Aňá de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAC, CACIB (champion class females).
On Sunday was international dog show in Graz in Austria. Judge was Mrs. Libuse Ubrova from Czech republic.Belgrano de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAJC (junior class males).
Brea de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 2 (junior class females).
Today we were on international dog show in Brno in Czech republic. Judge was Mr. Tibor Havelka from Slovakia.Total amount 16 inscribed dogos.
Aňá de los Escorpiones Blancos – exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB (champion class females).
Grandson of our Alberto Corrientes:
Alberto de los Amigos del Campo – exc.1, CAC (open class males).
Owner: Milan Hloska, Bratislava
Alberto with this win fullfilled conditions for the title Champion of Czech republic!
Daughters od our Arroyo de los Escorpiones Blancos and also great grand daughters of our Alberto Corrientes:
Ayashee del Eclipse de la Luna – very promissing 1 (puppy class females).
Owner: Marianna Zupan
Aziz del Eclipse de la Luna – very promissing 2 (puppy class females).
Owner: Bohuslav Tupy and Majka Kissova
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